True innovations are the result of uncompromising focus on how our products are used. A task may be exponentially more vexing to complete, if the product in use simply is not convenient enough. Especially if it is used on a daily basis. This challenges us to constantly develop even better solutions. Every single element and functionality of our products is designed to make cleaning as easy as possible. That is why we innovate together with the people who most rely on our products to perform to highest standards: our customers. We work closely with users to identify needs, discuss refinements to existing products, develop new prototypes and bring new solutions to the market.
Cleaning habits are something essentially personal. You make it work according to how you live and what you do. While traditional role models, life styles and technologies are constantly evolving, we join our customers on their own personal journey. Since our foundation our dedicated Research & Development teams have focused on providing the perfect cleaning tools for every need. And continue to do so
State-of-the-art innovations and always having a finger on the pulse of technology are Vileda's defining strengths. This is why our inventions, such as the non-woven fabric, our Microfibre technology, have all set new standards. Products such as the Vileda Window Cloth, the Glitzi, the Super Mocio, the All Purpose Cloth and the flat mops have all revolutionised their sectors and in some cases have even become generic names.
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